River Queen Voyages | Kayak Nashville, TN | Cumberland River Tour

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Small Business Saturday: Support Nashville, Shop Small

It’s one of our favorite days of the year (besides EVERY DAY of kayaking season, of course), it’s Small Business Saturday! If you’re unfamiliar with Small Business Saturday, let us catch you up. Nestled between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, sits a designated day to celebrate and stimulate your local economy. The movement began almost 10 years ago and was started by American Express. From their website:

American Express cares deeply about thriving communities and believes small businesses are at the core of every successful neighborhood. That's why — in the midst of the recession in 2010 — we created Small Business Saturday® on the Saturday after Thanksgiving to encourage people to Shop Small and bring more holiday shopping to small businesses.

Since then, the movement has taken off. In 2011, the senate voted unanimously to recognize and support the day on a national level. And according to data from American Express, over the last 9 years, the 9 days of Small Business Saturday alone have generated $103 billion in revenue for small businesses across America.

According to a study done by me, right now, looking around as I write this blog in an East Nashville cafe (hi, Ugly Mugs!) Nashville is one of the best places in the entire world. And what makes us great? Our beautiful landscape, of course, but also the incredible Nashville-based small businesses and small business owners that keep the 615 fun, vibrant, entertaining, and unique! By shopping locally, you directly support and enhance everything that makes Nashville an amazing place to live and visit.

Shopping small makes a great economic impact, but it makes a significant environmental impact as well. Big businesses tend to be big polluters as well, and whereas small businesses tend to take pride in the place they live and work. Further, according to the group Sustainable Connections, businesses that are owned locally often make more local purchases and distribute locally, thus reducing the amount of transportation and transportation-related pollution output.

As a Nashville-obsessed, locally owned and operated small business that depends on a clean, green Earth, River Queen Voyages could not be a bigger advocate for shopping small- today and every day. And we want to encourage you to do so as well- whether you shop with us, another awesome Nashville business, or both! Though we’ve already given you some pretty solid reasons above, we’re also going to sweeten the deal with a little SALE! Select items in our store are 20% off today, November 30, 2019. Check out our store to shop small and make a BIG impact!

Much love,

Team RQV